Sound Healing
Julie has been studying Sound Healing since 2010, most notably with Lana Ryder, who has studied with many of the renowned teachers of the Sound Healing world. She also has studied Reiki I and II with Rickie Freedman. She is scheduled to continue her training to Reiki Master Level. In 2017, she began seeing clients and offering group sessions. See below for the services offered. She also co-teaches Sound Therapy and ReikiSound™ classes with Lana Ryder, and is an adjunct instructor for the Soundwise School of harmonic Therapy.
One-on-one Sound Healing
The client lies on a massage table while they are immersed in sound. A variety of instruments are used to facilitate healing and relaxation – singing bowls, tuning forks, drums, gongs, chanting, etc. Sessions usually last one hour, with time at the beginning and end for discussion. The sound immersion itself is about 45 – 50 minutes.

Salt and Sound Meditation/Immersion
A unique combination of the above sound meditation, coupled with a salt room session. In a salt session, air infused with tiny particles of salt is blown into the room as you relax. It is said to be healing for the lungs and soothing to the soul. Currently, Julie is holding a Salt and Sound Meditation once a month at SaltEfx. See calendar for dates and times.
Sound Meditation/Immersion
A group meditation session where you relax and let the sounds fill the air around you, which is relaxing and healing. See the calendar for upcoming events.
ReikiSound™ session
A Reiki session which includes use of the instruments and sounds listed above. For more information about Reiki, click here: ReikiSound™ session